Lesson 7 – Update 2

Date: 15th and 16th of April 2013
Participating group members: Kennekt Baagøe, Morten D. Bech and Thomas Winding
Activity duration: 4 hours

To make the robot drive the rest of the way of the Alishan track, as described in the previous post, we have already reached the top, but have not made it back down.

Continue our where we left off at “Update: Lesson 7”, and start by making a simple inverse of the uphill program to make it go downhill.

As mentioned in the previous blog, Update: Lesson 7, we had a 90% chance of getting the robot to drive all the way to the top of the track and turn 180 degrees there. The trip takes around 18 seconds which is relatively slow, which is most likely due to the way we handle the corners in a “stop at first corner – turn – move – stop – turn – move up next slope” way instead of a continued motion.

When we arrived at Zuse Monday someone had moved the track into a different room, and unfortunately this has made the track a little different from when we were testing on it on Saturday as most of the slopes are now crooked. The changes made it very hard for us to make the robot drive all the way to the top as the crooked nature of the slopes meant that the robot would drift either left or right when it was supposed to move straight ahead. We had some success, but we were reduced to a chance of 30-35% of reaching the top every time.

So when we reached the top we had hope that the robot would make it downhill correctly, which it unfortunately didn’t and we had to apply some small changes to our downhill algorithm, first error was not to listen for the first black line seen but it should be the second instead which made the robot turn right right after it left the top. Finally we had to adjust the angles to turn and length to be driven, but with the low chances of getting to the top from the starting point, it took a lot of time to see if the changes we made were correct or not.

Another change we made was not to drive by distance on the plateaus but instead looking for lines in the hope of making the line of attack of the next straight run more precise. However this didn’t work that well either. One of the reason for that was that even now we place in almost the same position at the start point it didn’t see the line in the same place on the plateau every time. Basically we couldn’t drive in a straight line and as mentioned in the previous post, Update: Lesson 7, we tried to overcome this by getting two motors which match each other well in terms of speed and rotational accuracy, but this did not solve it because of the crooked slopes as mentioned earlier.

Finally we had a run where the robot got almost all the way to the finish as well – unfortunately it drove off the side on the last straight stretch, but it did manage to touch the green part with one wheel and color sensor which made it stop. After several attempt afterwards to replicate the run with a small change for the last straight stretch we throw in the towel and wouldn’t have a time for the contest. Unfortunately we were not recording when we got this best attempt at completion. The video below is how far we managed to get when recording.

In theory the sequential solution should be the fastest way to do complete the track, however it relies on so many variables, like the mentioned moving of the track and subsequent crooked slopes, it becomes very hard to implement and we had to spend a lot of time on small details which we might have been able to avoid using, eg. a line following robot instead or if we had been able to get a reliable heading which we tried to do with the sensors mentioned in the post Lesson 7.

Lesson 7 – Update

Date: 13th of April 2013
Participating group members: Morten D. Bech and Thomas Winding
Activity duration: 8 hours

To continue our work on the Alishan train track contest robot.

As the building of the robot was completed Thursday the 11th of April, the software is now the only missing part. On Thursday we tried out some smaller things that we should be able to use for the run, like a 90-degree turn and moving forward until a black line is detected.

Our plan for the program is to make a simple sequential program that uses input from the two light sensors. We aren’t going to follow the line using a PID-control as we hope a “free-running” robot should be faster.

First off we did not have the code examples from Thursday because they were made on Kenneth’s laptop, who was not able to be present today, but luckily they weren’t too hard to remake – we need a common repository for sharing and saving files. After we recreated the examples, we made a small program for showing the light values of the two mounted light sensors. With this program we then measured the light values of white, black and green surfaces in the necessary corners of the track. We know that daylight affect the readings but it still gives us some idea of the range that our threshold should be in.

After some serious trouble with getting the robot to stop when seeing a black line using the light sensor we ended up solving the problem by using the stop() method instead of the quickstop() method from the DifferentialPilot-class in the LeJOS API, we’re not sure why but the quickstop() method does not seem to work. Next up we tried to use the light sensor to detect other lines to decide if, and when, the robot should turn, however we found that too imprecise and therefore changed our method when moving in the hairpins to be detect black line – turn 90 degrees – move a certain distance using the travel-method from the DifferentialPilot-class – turn 90 degrees – move towards the next hairpin and repeat the cycle.

Even after changing the algorithm of the robot we still weren’t able to complete the second hairpin – the reason being that the robot simply couldn’t drive in a straight line. To that end we found that there were two parameter on the robot we could adjust: The first one is the rear wheel and the second are the motors. The first parameter we tried to adjust by changing the rear wheel to a different wheel setup which can be seen on the picture below. Changing the rear wheel setup only made things worse as the robot became more unreliable in its ability to drive straight and we changed it back to the original setup.

Alishan robot backend

Alishan robot backend

With regards to the motors we found a webpage [1] which explained how to find two motors with almost identical power output and rotational accuracy. After consulting the webpage we found two motors which seemed to be almost identical. This helped a lot and, after mounting these motors, the robot could now move up the slopes with no difficulties, it didn’t get it right a 100% of the time but somewhere around a 80-90% success rate. We made a small video of the robot going uphill which can be seen here or below. There is still room for improvement, but we would make a complete run of the first half of the track before we started optimizing.

We still need to make the sequential commands for driving downhill and optimize so we reduce the time it takes to complete the track. One possible optimisation we found was to use an travel arc-method in the DifferentialPilot-class, which moves the robot in an arc, instead of the current solution of turn – move – turn.

[1] http://www.techbrick.com/Lego/TechBrick/TechTips/NXTCalibration/

Lesson 7

Date: 11th of April 2013
Participating group members: Thomas Winding, Kenneth Baagøe and Morten Djernæs Bech.
Activity duration: 7 hours

Overall goal
To build an autonomous Lego car that can complete the Alishan train track as fast as possible using Lego NXT.

Overall plan
First of all, we’ll build a foundation for the car which has the lowest possible centre of gravity.
We’ll try different types of sensors: compass, gyro, lightsensors – testing which will be the most useful in this particular assignment. We will attempt to construct the car in such a way that we have the most control when turning left or right.

Todays work
We’ve build the foundation of the car. The wheels are placed with the largest possible distance between each other, making the car turn with a big radius. This gives us the most control of the turn as possible. Each wheel consists of two of the large wheels (81.6mm diameter) next to each other for a larger amount of friction as the car will be moving uphill during the final test. Two light sensors have been mounted on the front of the car for detection of the black line on the train track.



Codewise, we have been able to make the car turn 90 degrees in both directions using the rotate() method in the DifferentialPilot class in lejOS. This did require a bit of trial and error as a call to rotate 90 degrees would cause a turn that was a bit over 90 degrees.
We are now using Bluetooth to upload programs to the NXT brick straight from Eclipse – making it easier when we are running code as attaching the USB cable is not required. This involved a bit of fiddling too, seeing as Eclipse attempts to upload the program to the brick that is first on the list of the discovered Bluetooth NXT bricks.

Video of the car turning

Video of the car driving forward

Testing various sensors
For directing the car we tested two different sensors so far: The compass sensor and the gyro. Both unfortunately presented some problems which means they will most likely not be used.

The compass sensor
This sensor was the first we tested. The idea was that we would measure the length of the slopes and the plateaus of the track and simply have the robot travel these distances while correcting itself according to the compass sensor. Basically the starting heading of the robot would be declared as the 0 degree heading and it would keep this heading until it would reach the plateau, do a 90 degree right-turn, travel the length of the plateau and do another 90 degree right-turn. Following this it would now have to follow a 180 degree heading up the second slope and so on.
Unfortunately the compass sensor proved to be very unreliable as sometimes a small change in the actual heading would cause large differences in the measurements of the sensor, a 1-2 degree turn could be measured as a change of up to 40 degrees in heading. Some research into the sensor also provided the information that it is very susceptible to interference from any object that has, or generates, a magnetic field. These objects could simply be nearby metal, but the motors and the NXT brick also generate magnetic fields when running which is most likely what interferred with our measurements as the sensor was quite close to both.

The gyro
The second sensor we tested. As we saw that the lejOS library had a DirectionFinder class based on using a gyro which could also measure degrees, this seemed like a solution akin to what we were trying to do with the compass sensor but less susceptible to interference.
Using this sensor was a more stable approach compared to the compass sensor but we encountered another problem with this: The gyro would, seemingly randomly, start drifting heavily in measurements, upwards of 2 degrees per second. We’re not sure if this is a general problem with gyros or the one we had. Looking into the source code for the gyro direction finder class we noted that it did take drifting of the sensor into consideration as it tried to compensate for it. We tried increasing this compensation by up to 10 times its original value but, unfortunately, to no avail as it would still drift and at this point the correction started affecting the measurements.

Lesson 6

Date: 14th of March 2013
Participating group members: Thomas Winding, Kenneth Baagøe and Morten Djernæs Bech.
Activity duration: x hours

Overall goal
To build various Braitenberg vehicles, using Lego NXT, and observe what behaviours they exhibit when e.g. exitatory and inhibitory connections are used.

Figure 1

Figure 1

Overall plan
To achieve the goal mentioned above, we will be drawing inspiration from the lesson description and Tom Deans notes[1][2]

Braitenberg vehicle 1
To make vehicle 1 as pictured in Figure 1.

As a sensor for the Braitenberg vehicle we will be using a sound sensor. First we will try mapping the values measured to a power between 0 and 100. Afterwards we will try mapping the values to a power between -100 and 100. Lastly we will try mapping the power an inhibitory connection instead of the exitatory we will be using to the two first experiments mentioned.

First experiment: Using raw values from the sensor we map to power in a simple way: Since the sensor measures values between 0-1023 we divide the value by 10 to get an approximate value between 0-100 and round down/up in case the value should be outside the 0-100 range (in this case the values could only happen to be over 100 though since the lowest measure is 0). Using these values we get a robot that moves forward when it registers some sound. This sound has to be of some volume though, since the motors do not run unless they get a power of somewhere around 50-60 or above.

Second experiment: We use the same procedure as above except to get the motor power we do the following calculation on the sensor value: (soundValue/5)-100 to get values in the range [-100, 100]. The resulting behaviour in the robot is that it moves forward when it registers sound and backwards when it doesn’t

Inhibitory connection: We achieve the inhibitory connection simply by inverting the sensor value compared to the one used in the above experiments. The resulting behaviour in the robot is the opposite of the above results.

Braitenberg vehicle 2
To make vehicle 2a and 2b as pictured in Figure 1 and run them with both inhibitory and exitatory connections.

We will mount two light sensors on the vehicle and map motorpower to the wheels. This will be done in two ways as the figures (2a and 2b) in Figure 1 show, which means we will try with the sensor value being mapped to power on the wheel placed diagonally across or to the wheel on the same side as the sensor.

Running the robot with the sensors controlling either the wheel diagonally across from them or the wheel on their side results in two behaviours: If they control the wheel diagonally across the behaviour of the robot is that it moves towards light and if the sensors control the wheel on their own side, the robot moves away from light.

Braitenberg vehicle 3
Build vehicle 3 which is pictured in Figure 2. The vehicle should be able to move between a light source and a sound source using its different sensors.

Figure 2

Figure 2

To detect the light source and sound source we will use sound and light sensors.

We haven’t made the code for the robot yet, so it’s going to subject for another blog post soon.

[1]Tom Dean, Introduction to Machina Speculatrix and Braitenberg Vehicles
[2]Tom Dean, Notes on construction of Braitenberg’s Vehicles, Chapter 1-5 of Braitenbergs book

Lesson 5

Date: 7th/12th of March 2013
Participating group members Thursday: Thomas Winding and Kenneth Baagøe.
Participating group members Tuesday: Thomas Winding, Kenneth Baagøe and Morten Djernæs Bech.
Activity duration:
6 hours Thursday 7th of March 2013
3 hours Tuesday 12th of March 2013

Overall goal
The overall goal of this lesson is building and programming a Segway-inspired self-balancing NXT robot.

Overall plan
To achieve our goal we will use the information provided here:

Self-balancing robot with a light sensor
To build a self-balancing robot that will adjust its balance according to measurements from a light sensor.

We will build a robot inspired by Phillippe Hurbain [1] and run the program made by Brian Bagnall [2] on it. Furthermore we will try to adhere to the guidelines that Phillippe Hurbain propose and observe whether that helps on the operation of the robot.

The robot tips over very easily, even when we tried in a dark room on a non-uniform surface as suggested by Phillippe Hurbain. There are two major influences on this: Phillippe Hurbain suggests starting the program when the robot is perfectly balanced. Attaining a perfect balance is hard to do when simply starting the program by hand, even pushing the enter button on the robot will bring it at least somewhat out of balance and thus skew the measurement that the robot balances by. Besides the aforementioned the program is also configured to Brian Bagnalls hardware and we suspect that there might be subtle differences compared to ours, which could cause problems in the balancing.

Changing the values of the parameters from a PC
Changing the values for the PID controller in the program mentioned above, from a PC via a GUI.

Drawing inspiration from the provided BTcontrolledCar and PCcarController programs, we will program a GUI that is able to take input from a user and supply these values to the PID controller.

Using the GUI to provide new values for the program over a Bluetooth connection works fine, there are, however, some shortcomings in the program that we hoped to implement, but haven’t. One thing we might implement later is the ability to change the different values for the PID controller on the fly instead of having to restart the program on the robot every time a change is wanted.

Changing the values of the parameters from a PC revisited
Revisiting the shortcomings mentioned above, a program for the robot, which is able to change the kP, kI, kD and scale values on the fly has been made (BTbalance2.java). This operates over Bluetooth and works in tandem with PCcarBalance.java Standard values are the ones provided by Brian Bagnall. To ease calibration of the robot, a three second grace period was added after pressing the enter button which is signaled first with two beeps and lastly a beep sequence to signal the start of the balancing. Furthermore the offset, set by the calibration, is changeable by pressing the left button (decrease) and the right button (increase). However, when exiting the program via a press on the escape button, the robot writes out a large amount of exceptions, the cause of which we were unable to locate.

Running this program on the robot and trying different values for the PID controller, we were able to get the robot to balance for 10-20 seconds on a white surface in a room lighted with fluorescent light. One of the better runs is demonstrated in the video below (values used were: Offset: 542, kP: 53, kI: 2, kD: 36, scale: 18). The fluorescent light did cause some trouble in that the robot would cast a shadow which moved when the robots position changed in comparison to the lights. This meant that it would sometimes recieve a very different reading if the robot moved so that the shadow no longer was where the light sensor measured. We remedied this by running the robot in a dark room where we could sometimes achieve a balancing time of 30-40 seconds.

Self-balancing robot with gyro sensor
Balance the robot, with the same design used in the previous exercises, using a gyro sensor.

Follow the AnyWay NXT-G code and translate it to Java.

After translating the NXT-G example to Java, the program unfortunately did not function properly as the robot would instantly move forward at full speed when started and thus tip over.
We will continue on this assignment on Thursday 14th of March 2013.

[1] http://www.philohome.com/nxtway/nxtway.htm
[2] http://variantpress.com/books/maximum-lego-nxt/

Lesson 4

Date: 28th of Februar 2013
Participating group members: Thomas Winding and Morten D. Bech, and Kenneth joined us one hours into the exercises Thursday, and everyone was there Saturday.
Activity duration
Thursday 3,5 hours
Saturday 5,0 hours

Overall goal
The overall goal for this lesson is to make a black line following robot using a light sensor and a PID control algorithm. The robot should be able to detect the color green and stop if it does.

Overall plan
To complete our goal we will follow the instruction in the lesson plan which is available here.

Black/White Detection
We would like to know what kind of values our light sensor detects for different light and dark areas, and what values different colors are measured as. As a small extra exercise we would like to see how our measurements compare to the ones we did in our first lab session.

We already the light sensor mounted on the robot from the previous weeks, which means that we simply have to do the measurements. As Ole recommended using raw values from the sensor instead of the percentage values normally measured by using the readValue() method on the sensor, we will be changing the program to do that. We will, however, do a measurement of the percentage for the comparison mentioned above.

The measurements we obtained from the sensor was:

Color Percentages Raw value
White 57 431
Black 38 625
Green 44 573

The values we got this time differ slightly from the values we obtained at the first lesson, but we assume that is because that the cause of that is that we placed the light sensor at a somewhat large distance in the first lesson.

Line Follower with Calibration
The goal here is to get familiar with the program LineFollowerCal and determine how the it works.

To accomplish our goal we will at first have a look at the supplied program and try to determine what it is supposed to do. Afterwards we will upload it to our robot, run it and observe what happens.

After reading the code we had a rough idea that the robot would most likely behave like a bang-bang robot. We uploaded the program to the NXT and ran it. We captured the performance of the robot in a small video which is available here or you can watch it below.

As we expected the robot did have the behaviour of a bang-bang robot, that is, the values for white and black are stored first, a threshold is calculated and the robot then moves forward while turning right/left depending on whether it measures a black or white value.

ColorSensor with Calibration & Line follower that stops in a Goal Zone
We want to extend the functionality of the Line Following Robot to include detecting the color green. When detecting the green color robot should stop.

To add the new need functionality we have created a class called ColorSensor as suggested in the lesson plan . We took a lot of the functionality from the BlackWhiteSensor class into the new class and added a new variable green for calibrating the value of green. Furthermore we need to add a boolean method akin to the black() and white() for checking if the sensor sees green.

We made the needed changes to the program and found that we had to change the decision algorithm of black and white a bit. The change needed was that if the sensor sees green it can’t see white or black which is illustrated below.
A video documenting the robot in action was recorded and is available here or can be watched below.

With some small modifications to the code of when we detect black and white, and letting the detection of green be an interval of 40, it worked smoothly. For the interested reader the code of the ColorSensor-class is available here. The change to the LineFollowerCal-class was to include a new else if clause in the while-loop to ask if sees green and then stop the motors.

PID Line Follower
Expanding on the line follower using the light sensor, we are going to use the light sensor to write a line following program for the robot again, this time with PID regulation.

We are going to implement the parts of the PID regulation one by one, starting with the proportional control, then the integral and finally the derivative. After implementing each part, we will also run the program on the robot to make sure that it is functional.

We implemented our PID Line Follower base on [1] is note upon the subject. We started with the P-term and got that to work fairly quick. However when we tried to implement the I-term the robot quiet quickly began to spin around the line, but then after implementing the D-term it stopped to spin around and instead began to follow the line. Finally we tried to tweak the constant values so that the robot would follow the line more smoothly, however after about an hour the results weren’t improving and we stop. When tweaking the constants we sometimes experienced that robot had a very hard time following the line in very sharp corners.

We made a small video clip of the robot which is available here or can be seen below.

As can be seen in the video clip the robot oscillates quiet a bit, and as mentioned earlier we had quiet some trouble with tweaking the constants to improve the performance of the robot.

The class code is available here.

Color sensor
The final task at hand is to construction/implement a program which using a color sensor follows a black line and stops when it sees green.

Our plan is to use a simple bang-bang algorithm with the output color from the sensor to decide the direction and speed of the robot. We are going to try smooth the curves by having five intervals or colors that we work with that is black, dark gray, gray, light gray and white. Finally if the color is green we stop the robot.

The implementation was quickly in place, however we had a lot of trouble with how to use the color sensor correctly in the implementation. Fortunately we found this example which was a lot of help.

After a minor change to the code it worked very well as can be seen from the video clip below or here.

As can be seen in the video clip the robot work nicely but we haven’t implemented using a PID control as we get a RGB vector or a color ID back from the sensor and the easiest way for us to implement it was the color id.

The class code is available here.

We had some trouble with tweaking the PID controller correctly and therefore we need figure out how to get that done correctly. This is very important for the next weeks Segway robot which is an inverted pendulum.

[1] A PID Controller For Lego Mindstorms Robots

Lesson 3

Date: 21st of February, 2013
Participating group members: Kenneth Baagøe Kristiansen, Morten Djernæs Bech, Thomas Winding
Activity duration: 5 hours

Overall goal
The overall goal of this lesson is to familiarize ourselves with the NXT sound sensor by doing the exercises described here.

Exercise 1
The goal is to mount the microphone sensor and try to see how it works.

Follow the instruction on how to mount the sensor in manual and upload program, and try with sound levels and distances.

A loud sound very close the sensor gives us a reading of 90. A similar loud sound at half a meter gives us reading between 20 and 50, it differs a lot.

Very close to the sensor the read outs are pretty constant, the further away from the source of the sound, the lower the read outs, while also varying a lot more.

Exercise 2
The goal in this exercise is to use a datalogger for saving sound data. Furthermore we will sketch a graph explaining this data.

Implement the datalogger, implement the SoundSampling.java, and download the sample.txt. Using the data gathered, plot a graph and analyze it.

As time passes the robot moves further away from the source of the sound, starting at a distance of 15cm and ending at a distance of 100cm.

As can be seen from the graph there is a logarithmic development in the value measured by the sensor. The slight inconsistencies in the values measured can be attributed to ambient noise, like other students talking and experimenting with sounds as well, and the fact that we moved the robot manually which means that the velocity away from the sound source was not constant.

Exercise 3
The goal in this exercise is to make our first application using the sound sensor. We’ll observe how the car responds to shouting and clapping.

Implement the SoundCtrCar.java and use it with the simple class Car.java.
Test the behaviour of the car and watch what happens.

The car would move around keeping the same direction until a clap or a noise/sound was made loud enough making the car turn the other direction.
A demonstration of the car is shown in exercise 4.

Before running the program, we looked at the code so we had an idea of what it was supposed to do. Testing it, it behaved as we expected, shifting between the different states (forward, left, right, stop) when making sounds that went above the threshold. We discovered that it only reacted to quite loud sounds, basically e.g. clapping had to be done very close to the sensor to get a reaction from the robot. What we didn’t expect was that we were unable to stop the program by any other means than removing the battery.

Exercise 4
The goal in this exercise create a ButtonListener which listens for the ESCAPE button and exit the program when its pressed.

Implement the ButtonListener in the car using a simple example from the leJos tutorial. Observe what happens.

We implemented a boolean, called running, in our code to indicate whether or not the program should be running.

Additionally we added the boolean to the condition for the while loop in the waitForLoudSound() method to make sure the program exits the loop when the escape button is pressed.

Afterwards we added a ButtonListener to the escape button that switches the above boolean so the program knows when to stop.

This video shows our result which is available on YouTube (http://youtu.be/DFqBGQ9PoaE)

Our modified SoundCtrCar.java: SoundCtrCar.java

As the video illustrates, the behaviour of the program is as followed:
1st clap makes the car start running forward. 2nd clap makes the car turn right until the 3rd clap which makes the car turn left. The car is stopped by the 4th and last clap. With our button listener on the Escape button implemented it is now also possible to actually end the execution of the program as opposed to Exercise 3.

Exercise 5
Sivan Toledo has investigated how the sound sensor can be used to detect claps.
The goal in this exercise is making the car able to detect claps and compare Sivan Toledo’s method with the one used in SoundCtrCar.java.

We will implement the methods and observe the car using the different methods.

This video shows our result which is available on YouTube (http://youtu.be/9JpNqvhbjNY).

As can be heard and seen in the video it’s not working perfectly.

The method used to detect claps in SoundCtrCar.java is simpler compared to the method proposed by Sivan Toledo. The method used in SoundCtrCar simply detects a single loud sound and then acts, while in comparison, Sivan Toledo’s method detects an increase in sound by first listening for a lower sound volume, then a high volume, e.g. the clap, and then a low sound volume again.

This difference in the methods to detect volumes means that the robot, with implementations of the two different methods, would have a differing behaviour. With the method proposed in SoundCtrCar, in an environment with a constant loud sound would repeatedly change between its different states (forward, left, right, stop) while, with our implementation of Sivan Toledos clap-detection, it would remain in one state (either forward or stop) since there would be no rises in sound volume.

Exercise 6
The goal in this exercise is to make the car drive towards the location in which the sound is coming from.

We’ll mount a second sound sensor to the car, making the car have two, and check where the sound is coming from – turning in that direction.

This video shows our result which is available on YouTube (http://youtu.be/5dJ_PsrVmq0)

Source code for our Party Robot: PartyRobot.java

Having the sound sensors pointing straight forward gave us som trouble making the car follow the claps correctly. This we assume was because both sound sensors picked up the clapping sound and thus had a chance of either continuing to go forward or even turning the wrong way. By placing the sensors at a larger angle away from each other (as demonstrated in the video above), we made the car follow the claps without any trouble, which confirms our assumption.

Lesson 2

Exercise 1:
The goal of the exercise is to measure the distances that the ultrasonic sensor records with different distances and object/materiales.

We are going to use hard and soft materiales at different distances and measure the actual distance with a folding ruler.


Surface Sensor value Actual value
Soft 42 42
Soft 79 78
Medium 80 78
Medium 42 41
Hard 43 42
Hard 78 78

The results contradict our expectations that the softer materiales would resolve in a larger difference between the measured and actual values. We expected that the softer materials would absorb the soundwaves and thus cause readings that would not be as accurate.

Exercise 2
To see if different sample intervals will affect the distance measured by the ultrasonic sensor.

The way we are doing to test this by keeping the distance to the object constant and conduct measurements with different sample intervals.

While measuring we kept a constant distance of 17 cm.

Sample interval Measured Distance
0 20
100 20
200 20
300 20
400 20
500 20
2000 20

As can be seen from the results it made no difference using different sample intervals. This means that the old minimum interval is no longer necessary, it might’ve been present in the older versions of lejOS due to the possibility of the sensor receiving an ultrasonic ping which it sent previously and thus getting a wrong reading.

Exercise 3
Our goal in this exercise is to examine if it’s possible to measure 254 cm and to see whether a lower sample interval will affect the measurement.

Our plan is to place the sensor towards a wall and move it away from the wall until we get a measurement of 254 cm, once we have that distance we will change the sample interval to be less than the time it takes to receive a echo. The time it takes sound to move 254 cm to wall and back again is 14.928 msec, which is calculated this way:

(2*distance to travel)/speed of sound ->
(2 * 2.54m)/340.29m/sec = 0.014928sec = 14.928msec.

Therefore we will set the sample interval to 5msec.

Our observation was that there was no difference when using the short sample interval. This let to a discussion with Ole Caprani in which he pointed out to us that the code might hold the answer – that no ping can be made until the echo has been received.

After having a look at the code below from the LeJOS UltrasonicSensor-class we can see that the system waits for atleast 30msec before making another ping, which is more than the minimum wait time calculated above. This means that the sample interval does not actually have an impact on measurements.

getDistance waitUntil

The sample interval doesn’t affect the practical usage of the sensor, it simply delays measurements (the default of the sample interval is 300msec, which makes the time between pings atleast 330msec, so about three times a second.)

Exercise 4
For this exercise the goal is to change the values of the constants in the code and observe what the changes does to the behaviour of the robot, and finally determine what kind of controller this is.

The way we go about this is by adjusting the value of one variable and leaving the other variables unchanged. By only working with one variable at a time we hope it will be easier to see what the variable controls and ultimately compare the results of changing the different constants to see which kind of controller it is.

By changing the desiredDistance-variable in the program the only change in the behaviour we observed was that the distance to the object it found changed, the robot didn’t oscillate more or less around the point of the desiredDistance. On the other hand, changing the minPower-variable made the robot oscillate with larger amplitude around the specified desiredDistance.

From what we have observed we conclude that the controller in question is a PID controller, because the oscillation is larger when we increase the motor power.

Exercise 5
In the previous exercise we made the robot oscillate by just calculating the error between the current and desired point. Now we have to introduce the derivative term as described in [1].

Our plan is to follow the instruction in [1] and introduce the necessary new code in the class.

With the derivative term introduced in the code, the robot still oscillates a little, but less compared to the original implementation.


By introducing the derivative term in the program for the robot we have achieved less oscillation in the robot around the point of the desired distance.

Exercise 6
To make a wall follower, using Philippe Hurbain’s concept for the RCX[2].

First off we have to remount the ultrasonic sensor to place it at a 45 degree angle to the forward facing direction of the robot, which will cause the measurements of distance for the robot to be small if it’s turning towards the wall, while becoming increasingly larger when turning away from the wall. Next we will have to program the robot to utilize the ultrasonic sensor to follow the wall – we are going to do that based on Philippe Hurbain’s program, although we’ll have to chance the constants proposed in his code since they are based on the raw 0-1023 interval while we only have a 0-255 interval (the raw value parsed to centimeters). We will try to get the appropriate values for the constants by doing empirical research of turning the robot towards and away from the wall, while measuring.

Photo 18-02-13 16.44.12

Photo 18-02-13 16.44.21

Photo 18-02-13 16.44.35

We found it problematic to get the appropriate values for the constants and had to change the positioning of the sensor because it would get very large increases in distances measured when turning away from the wall. We suspect this was because, by chance, the receiving part of the sensor was the part that was the furthest away from the wall and thus a slight turn meant a larger increase in the angle to the wall.

We didn’t get the robot to work very well, but the concept did work. Compare to Fred G. Martin’s algorithm[1] the major differences are that we have five different states and Martin’s only three, the smoothing of Martin’s algorithm – 50% on one wheel and 100% on the other – can be compared to the two extra states in our program in which we let the wheel float. We still stop one of the wheels if we either get too close or too far from the wall to increase the turning angle.

[1] Martin, Fred G. Robotic Explorations – A Hands-On Introduction to Engineering
[2] Philippe Hurbain, http://www.philohome.com/wallfollower/wallfollower.htm

Lesson 1

Exercise 1
The goal with this exercise is to record the values that the light sensor module outputs when used on different colors. Also we will observe what values are displayed when the sensor is used on black and white and discuss why these values can be used as the threshold values.

The plan for this exercise is simple: We will place the light sensor above different colors while keeping the distance constant so this does not interfere with the recorded values.

Following the approach described above we got the results listed in the table below:

Color Displayed percentage
Green 39
Yellow 49
Red 47
Blue 43
Black 35
White 49

As can be seen in the table the black and white serve as threshold values and this can be attributed to the light sensor that only measures in black and white. This means that the colors are only seen in grayscale and therefore they will be somewhere inbetween the black and white nuances.

Exercise 2
The goal for this exercise is the same as exercise 1 with one change: The floodlight on the light sensor is turned off.

We will use the same procedure as in exercise 1.

The results following the plan are listed in the table below:

Color Displayed percentage
Green 39
Yellow 47
Red 48
Blue 44
Black 35
White 50

As can be seen from the values in the table, the black and white measurements serve as the threshold values again. The values are almost the same as with the floodlight turned on, but this is most likely because we placed the light sensor too far away, about 3-5 cms.

Exercise 3
To see what happens when the sample interval between readings with the light sensor is increased.

Try running the program with four different sample intervals: 10 ms, 100 ms, 500 ms and 1000 ms.

Increasing the interval between readings decreases the reliability of the robot. Since the robot keeps moving according to the last reading, a longer interval can cause it to easily veer off course.

Exercise 4
To observe, from gathered data, what influence a change in the sample interval has on the oscillations of the robot.

Using the DataLogger class we will record the values measured by the light sensor and plot them in a graph to see the oscillations and compare them.

The oscillations have recorded and plotted in the following graphs, the interval used is given in the legend:

5ms 10ms 20ms 30ms 40ms 50ms
As can be seen from the graphs, the longer the interval, the longer the oscillation.

Exercise 5
To observe what influence using strings directly in the calls to LCD.drawString() has on the free memory, during execution of the program, compared to using variables.

Run the program with strings directly and with variables. Use the DataLogger class to record the free memory and plot it in a graph to compare the two executions.

The recorded free memory during the execution has been plotted in the graph below:


The results seem to show that allocation of space for the variable is slower than for the value, however we haven’t tried with the variable being a constant – update will be available soon.

The results given from the first two exercises are most likely not very accurate – the gathered data indicates that there’s not much difference between having the floodlight on or off. This is probably caused by the fact that we chose to place light sensor at a distance, about 3-5 centimeters, from the colored Lego plates. Therefore the ambient light has probably had a larger influence on the exercise with the floodlight than we thought it would, causing the observed values to be similar.
We discovered that using a high value for the interval caused our controlled artifact to not be able to follow a black line very reliably whilst using a low value gave the opposite result.

Martin, Fred G. Robotic Explorations – A Hands-On Introduction to Engineering